Five tips to improve your physical health

1. Move every day

The easiest and quickest way to improve your fitness is definitely to incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine.

2. Incorporate walking

Especially if you're just starting out with sports. However, anyone can swap public transport for a walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or go for a walk instead of lying on the couch.

3. Add more sports

For example, try cycling, running, swimming, in-line skating, functional training, etc. If you're a beginner, you can try alternating brisk walking with running.

4. Combine strength training with endurance exercise

In general, strength exercise builds muscle mass, and endurance exercise, in the so-called aerobic zone - that is, one in which you don't get out of breath and maintain a conversational pace - helps build endurance and reduce fat storage.

5. Don't forget a healthy diet

Without quality nutrients, the body won't function properly. What we eat is very important not only for health, but also for building better physical fitness.
