Technology Hoka J-Frame™

Men's produkty s J-Frame™   Womens produkty s J-Frame™  



J-Frame™ technology is a stabilizing first k that fights pronation. This is a stronger foam in the area of the inner side of the foot, where the foot most often turns inwards. The technology provides extended support.


Are you asking what is a stable (pronation) running shoe and what are the stabilizing elements? During any physical activity, we exert increased pressure on our body. Manufacturers of running shoes are significantly concerned with the contact of the foot with the surface on which we step, on which we run. Following the investigation of the behavior of the foot during running, they have developed a large spectrum of technology, one of the categories of these technologies are stabilizing elements . Specifically, the Hoka One One brand is the J-Frame™ .
The J-Frame™ technology responds to the most common problems, namely turning the ankle towards itself (Fig. 1), flat feet, etc.

Inserting stronger material (fig. 3) in the area of the longitudinal arch of the foot (inner side) (fig. 2) provides support for the arch and thus prevents its tendency to break through. The twisting of the ankle is eliminated and the strike of the foot is neutral, i.e. following physiology. Thanks to this support, the balance is balanced, stabilization occurs and the body weight is properly distributed in the three-point support.

Stable (pronation) running shoes are recommended for runners who have a pronation foot. Their longitudinal arch is already "collapsing". This type of footwear is definitely not recommended for use on a healthy foot as part of prevention!

Learn more about neutral, pronation footwork in our blog article here .

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